Bags are well made and very durable. A custom length strap would be nice, as they are hard to shorten up. Overall great bags.
Have only just mounted these and used for a few errands around town but the install was easy and the quality of the bags looks good too. Happy with them so far on my Norden 901.
Always a best shopping experience, either online through their website or through eBay fast and secure shipping with awesome custome service.
Just recieved Monsoon 3s after v quick delivery. Fit my 800gs v well, on existing Jesse luggage rack, but need to order heat shield to protect left hand bag front corner. Optional rok straps didnt really help much, will use an extra strap to cinch each bag onto rack for max stability. Really impressed w the design, quality and price. Great product!
Outstanding service from Dualsport. Item shipped immediately and arrived two days faster than original estimate.
Quality product. Competitive pricing. Excellent service all around. Thanks much.