This is the second set of these mirrors I have purchased from dualsportplus, I have had a set on my bike for the last 3 years and love them, just bought this set for my son's bike
During my short ride to the trails, the mirrors are set far to the outside ends of the handlebar. Once I'm on the trails, I move them inboard and facing down out of harm's way. The mirror size is smaller than the OEM. I prefer that they're larger, but they work well enough. Very happy with them.
Always the right item and delivered super fast. Doubletake should include the Ram mount security locks to replace the screw knobs. They are super cheap and prevent losing your mirrors to a jealous rider that doesn't know where to get one.
Great product and Dualsport + are easy to deal with.
These are really worth every penny! I ride aggressive off-road, and these mirrors take the hits on trees and branches and simply fold in as needed. They seem unbreakable. The ball mount allows for the mirror and stem to move on impact without the threat of breaking the clutch or front brake mount where the normal fixed mirror mounts go. The view in the slightly convex mirror is superb for roadwork. Don't hesitate....these are great. (I waited 3 months after purchase to really try them out.)
Easy to instal. Easy to adjust on the go. Built like a tank. Love them.